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My First Like

My memory isn’t as sharp as it was twenty years ago. I’ll remind myself what I recall may not be totally accurate. There was a time when I was given a task to learn it normally took no more than one or two explanations for me to grasp a concept. These day’s I’m not so quick on my feet. It seems I have to drag my head into comprehension even if I am enthusiastic about learning a task. With learning the ends and outs of manipulating my camera settings to get a favorable result I’m constantly taking one step forward then two back then doing a double take to make sure I’m getting it. This is causing a bit of doubt concerning my abilities. But I’m not reluctant to press on.

This is my first photo to receive a like on Flickr. Unsolicited and from a stranger out there somewhere this was viewed and appreciated. I like the image but I missed noticing an important element (there’s a car in the shot that is distracting) because I was not totally confident in my knowledge. I am encouraged to move forward though. I have additional likes on even more photos and that helps to stay focused on continuing to learn and improve.